
About joining

Membership is compulsory according to the Wooltru Healthcare Fund membership policy, unless you are registered as a dependant on your spouse or partner's medical scheme. If you choose to remain on your spouse or partner's medical scheme as a dependant, you must provide proof of membership.

Your membership will be without any waiting periods or penalties if you join the Fund within 30 days from the date of your employment.

  • Medical Aid year

    Benefit limits are usually allocated in yearly cycles (from 1 January to 31 December).

    When a new member joins during the year, the benefit limits will be prorated.

  • How to join
    • 1
      Download the membership application form
    • 2
      Print out and complete the form
    • 3
      Provide the copies of IDs or birth certificates for all dependants as well as the following additional documentation, as required:
      • Membership certificates from your previous medical schemes
      • A certified copy of your marriage certificate
      • An affidavit for common-law partner
      • Legal documentation for a child dependant in your legal custody
      • Adoption document for your legally adopted child
      • Medical records for a child who is 21 years or older and who is dependent on you due to mental or physical disability
      • An affidavit for an unemployed child dependant who is 21 years or older and dependent on you for financial care and support
      • An affidavit for the parents of the principal (main) member only, who are legally dependent on you for financial care and support and earn less than the maximum of a social pension per month.
    • 4
      Return the form to your HR Department
  • Who can be dependants?

  • General waiting periods

    Prior to joining, if the applicant and their nominated dependants were not previously covered by a registered medical scheme, general waiting periods may be enforced up to three months where claims will not be accepted.

    General waiting periods are not applied to new employees, provided that they join the Fund within the first month of commencing employment with Woolworths or Truworths. This will also apply to their immediate family.

  • Condition-specific waiting periods

    For pre-existing conditions, waiting periods may be enforced up to 12 months, depending on policy underwriting. During this period you are not allowed to claim for treatment for these conditions.

    Condition-specific waiting periods are not applied to new employees, provided that they join the Fund within the first month of commencing employment with Woolworths or Truworths. This will also apply to their immediate family. Should you marry or have a baby after joining, you need to register your dependant within 30 days of the event or alternatively underwriting will be applied to your new dependant.

  • Late-joiner penalties

    If a member or dependant joins a medical scheme and they are over the age of 35 with gaps in their medical scheme coverage history, the Fund can legally increase their contributions.

    It is important that you obtain proof of membership of all previous medical schemes in order to reduce the late-joiner penalties, failing which, the late-joiner penalties will be charged until you are able to supply the required proof of previous medical scheme cover. Please note that any late-joiner penalties applied will not be refunded, even if proof is obtained at a later stage.

    Calculate contributions with late-joiner penalties.